HTML Element

HTML Element

A webpage is made of lots of elements and defines the content of any Web Page. It generally starts with the tags called opening and closing tags.
<Tag> -- This is opening tag
</Tag> -- This is closing tag

A self-closing tag in HTML is a kind of HTML tag that does not need to be closed manually by its closing tag, <br> , <hr> , img , input

Most used HTML elements are listed below :

  • <html> : This is the root of an HTML document or in other words, we can say it is placed at the top of the tree. All other elements must be written under this element.

  • <head> : This element contains the initial information about the content like the title , link, and style of any webpage.

  • <title> : This element contains the title of the webpage.

  • <style> : This element contains the style or stylesheet link of the webpage.
  • <script> : This element contains the main script from which the webpage perform the task in any particular action.
  • <body> : This element contains the main body of the webpage under which many elements are written in order to create a webpage.This element is one of the most important element of the HTML.
  • <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> : Represent six levels of section headings. <h1> is the highest section level and <h6> is the lowest.
  • <section> : This element creates a section in the webpage which has many other elements under it like <header>.
  • <header> : This element takes a heading value and displays it as a heading on the webpage.
  • <footer> : This element takes a footer value as it is present in the lowest section of the webpage.